Certainly a manufacturer or distributor can do their own legwork when it comes to getting their product into the hands of convenience stores. However, this can lead to a great deal of time lost and frustration collected. Convenience store brokers on the other hand have already developed the kinds of connections necessary to make these sales and they usually work off of a commission from anywhere between 5-10%. Companies trust the brokers not to steer them wrong. These brokers have shown time and time again they are trustworthy and they only promote quality products and the people behind them. This kind of rapport building is essential in business, as it is the only way more business will be created.
Having convenience store brokers leaves the production and development of a product open for the inventor and manufacturers. Having one less issue to deal with can take a great deal of strain off of the individual or company trying to get their product out into the world. Take a look at www.cstoredistributors.com. It can bridge the gap between hiring convenience store brokers and a company doing it all in house. The site provides a database of convenience stores, grocery stores and big box stores with contact information for each along with a list of the top 100 convenience store brokers within the U.S and Canada.
Also if you are looking for an easy way to get your product into convenience stores, take a look at www.checkstandprogram.com. They have a unique approach in getting your product into anywhere from 200-5,000 convenience stores very quickly!