Looking for a faster way to get your product into convenience stores and distributors? Check out our partner at checkstandprogram.com.
Visit PartnerI want to get my product into convenience stores and want to know what margins do convenience stores and convenience store distributors want on new products.
Convenience stores usually work off of 35-50% gross profit, for convenience store distributors, it’s 20-25% depending on the type of product. Novelty items are on the higher percent side. The best way to find out what your margins should be is to find a similar product and talk to some convenience stores to get a better feel for what you can sell your item for.
The best way to get your product into convenience stores is getting a hold of convenience store distributors, which we provide in our convenience store distributors directory. Our directory has over 1,200 convenience store wholesalers that we recommend contacting them by phone or email. Make sure you have a great sales pitch ready! There is one thing I always express to clients when speaking to these buyer’s, you need to build a relationship. Be sincere and get them to understand what your product is and do not take “NO” for an answer. Our partners over at cstoredirectory.com provide a directory of convenience store chains that you may want to look at as well. Getting the convenience store chain buyer to want your product and getting a hold of their distributor is a guaranteed way to get your product into convenience stores.
Our partners offer a service called the “Checkstand Program”, which guarantees placement anywhere from 200 to 5,0000 convenience stores that you may want to take a look at. They charge $10.00 per store and free product on the initial launch. After a successful launch, they will manage the account at a 5% brokerage. You can learn more about Checkstand Program over at checkstandprogram.com. You can also look into contacting convenience store brokers, which we also provide in our directory. These convenience store brokers usually work off 5-10% brokerage and usually represent a certain territory. So, if they like your product and want represent it, you can test them out to see if they provide you any sales.
When you start testing the marketplace with your newly developed product, a great place to look is distributors and wholesalers, which can be purchased on our site. If your product fits the market niche of convenience stores, then you should definitely target convenience store distributors. We want to give you the best pointers to using our information in order to get you a big push of purchase orders coming your way when you attack this market using our list: The Must Do List of Selling to Convenience Store Distributors, Convenience Store Jobbers, Convenience Store Wholesalers, Distribution Catalogs, Large Chain Accounts, Smoke Shops, Tobacco Distributors, Independent Convenience Stores, and Convenience Store Brokers.
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